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Content Brief what it is and why it is important in a marketing strategy


Content Brief what it is and why it is important in a marketing strategy It was 1996 when Bill Gates, in one of his famous essays, prophetically stated “content is king” … and despite all the criticisms we can make of his operating systems, it must be said that at least about this he was right. Textual content – and equally multimedia content – is today more sovereign than ever and is indeed the most important aspect to evaluate, especially in recent years, during which the methodologies for content creation have evolved at dizzying speeds.


Thanks to the progress of artificial intelligence

Content Brief what it is and why it is important in a marketing strategy and search engine algorithms, in fact, it has now become essential to be able to create italy phone number content capable of satisfying people’s needs . In the ” prehistory ” of the internet, when search engines were taking their first steps, it was sufficient to create special pages in which to insert certain keywords in a completely mechanical and obsessive way; today, however, such strategies would only risk sinking our projects into the darkest depths of the internet or offering content that is of no use to people: decidedly less than noble objectives to pursue.

But how can we manage to create quality

Phone Number

Content Brief what it is and why it is important in a marketing strategy content today , capable of positioning itself in search results and Belgium Phone Number List offering those who browse exactly what they want ? It all starts from the synergy between an SEO specialist and a copywriter . Between them, a single fundamental link: the so-called content brief . And if you’ve never heard of it, don’t worry… you’re in the right place: continue reading to discover all the potential of this working method.


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