Neurowear” is perfect for you – look at the cat ears! These fluffy ears are connected to NeuroSky’s Mindwave and respond to changes in attention and mood. Time magazine From the lab named the ear one of the top 50 inventions of 2011, along with such notables as Siri and Lytro . It made me happy!” 2: Tug of Mind – Mental Power Training with iPhone. Tug of Mind ” by Iceland-based MindGames uses a variant of Bluetooth Mindwave called X-Wave to provide mental control with iPhone.
Tug of Mind tests your relaxation and attentional
Control over virtual objects. Your ability to control your mind changes depending on the expression on the object’s face. . Deepa canada mobile number Ivengar, developer of Mindware, From the lab said that in the demo, children waited 30 minutes to get a chance to try out the game, showing incredible concentration and relaxation in the middle of a noisy event. She asked. 3: Neurophone – No More Fingers Dartmouth scientists Andrew Campbell and Tanzeem Choudhury used a grant from the National Science Foundation to create the NeuroPhone .
You can upload your own facial expressions
EPOC headset, their app allows you to select someone from your contact list without using your hands or by thinking. This app uses a powerful recognition signal Iran Telegram Number called “P300”. virtual objects in 3D. This video from the University of Minnesota shows students wearing swim cap-style EGG readers flying a virtual helicopter between obstacles.