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Personal Branding Course in Madrid in person

Are you looking for an in-person Personal Branding course in Madrid, where they teach you how to detect the flaws in your strategy, how to create an action plan with your needs and goals in a few months or how to create a reliable Value Proposition that sells? Look at this article and then rate this course for yourself. A NEW Personal Branding course, created together with Andrés Pérez Ortega, a new project. Do you want to know why your personal brand is not giving the results you expect? What’s wrong with your personal strategy? Do you want to know why your Value Proposition doesn’t sell?

And how to make it sell

Do you want to know how to create content that attracts customers? How to use your blog articles to reach executive email list the goal you want? Andres Perez Ortega and I will give you the answers to all these questions and many more in our in-person Personal Branding Course in Madrid. It will not be just another typical personal branding course, as we are creating something different from the normal on this topic. It will be a 100% practical workshop and you will leave the course with many strategies put into practice in your own brand. They’ve been asking me for a long time when a course is scheduled and here it is. I have been very hesitant to create something, because with the saturation of courses that exist, I did not want to create another one .

But together with

Andrés we have identified needs of an audience and. We have created a course based on those needs of our audience . Therefore, I want to tell you why I think this course can be very useful to you. Have you ever wondered why your personal strategy doesn’t work or give you the results you expect? This is not an easy process, it costs us all. Therefore, when we try and cannot see what is wrong, it is best. To ask the opinion of someone who knows about the subject . If I emphasize the previous words, I believe that it is one thing to receive Marketing List professional opinions on a topic and quite another to receive feedback from someone who may know something but who does not work daily with this type of projects. 

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