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The information obligation is met each

For some time now, we have noticd that when entering various websites, windows pop up in which we are askd to accept cookies. Cookies, affectionately calld cookies, are usd for the proper operation of websites (almost always), and sometimes also to remember our preferences and personalize websites in order to display tailord content and advertisements. Due to the fact that there is a lot of talk about cookies, but without any specifics, due to the lack of clear legal regulations.

Specific services seem to be more

Above all recommendations from such offices as UKE or UODO, most website owners try to implement the requirement to accept database files in a better or worse way. We as iSecure. an entity specializing, among others, in this field, dealt with it in a quite good way (the banner was legible and written in clear language, similarly the privacy policy, which containd all the necessary information in this regard) However, what seems to one obvious, others may not. Why this is so, I indicatd a little above (in short: lack of clarity of the regulations guidelines.


The way data is processed for

An as it turnd out in the end – it didn’t answer so strongly, that a complaint against us was addressd to the UODO Despite very detaild Marketing List explanations on our part, the Office had a different opinion on this matter (in our opinion, at least not in line with the realities of the practical approach to the problem). We receivd an order to remove the IP address and the artificially assignd cookie ID.

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