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What is it and how should you apply lazy loading to optimize the performance of your website

Has it ever happened to you that you want to open a web. This is a very common situation and it can also happen with your website or ecommerce. To avoid this, it is very important that you put into practice. What is known as lazy loading or deferred loading , a computer programming design pattern that will only load resources as the public reaches them, and not all at once. How long is the url accessed? Thanks to this deferred loading of information , the response speed of the website increases, making any user’s journey on it more satisfactory and fluid.

Lazy loading and tracking pixels

To better understand the concept of lazy  Chinese Australia Phone Number List loading, you can think of the social network Instagram.  What-is-lazy-loading-2 lazy loading and tracking pixels it is very important that when implementing lazy loading on your website you do not lose sight of the tracking pixels that track the behavior of the public and provide you with data about their preferences.

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How to implement lazy loading

The web, so if you apply deferred Marketing List loading, they will only be loaded when they are visible area, causing you to lose a large amount of information about conversions and clicks. To prevent this from happening to you when you enable lazy loading, you must set the tracking pixel to load independently from other elements when someone loads the web page. To do However, this there are two options: add the loading=”eager” attribute to that tracking pixel. This is the alternative that you should implement if you make a native implementation of lazy loading. In fact, google recommends lazy loading. Bounce rate reduction . Increased time spent on the page. Improvement of the user experience (user experience). Higher conversion rates. Savings for the user by achieving more optimal use of the battery of their devices.

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