This model helps you to organize in your marketing strategy. The different media in which you are going to be present as a brand according. To their type can develop a successful communication plan and adequate media integration. Thanks to the poem model. You will be able to see in a single glance. The channels in which you are active and the actions. You are carrying out in each of them. In short, with this model the objectives of your marketing action plan will be well established and you will ensure that your final message is transferred to the public much better. The acronym poem refers to: paid media (payment methods) owned media (own media) earned media however, we must not forget the share media (shared media), which is the newest and, despite not being present in the name of the model, is part of it.
Earned Media in the POEM model
They are considered one of the Business Owner Phone Numbers List main means of contact and within. The owned media (own media) we find: website and blog ecommerce physical store mobile apps social networks events earned media in the poem model as for the earned media or earned media , these refer to those channels or links to which the company reaches after previous dissemination work carried out in the paid and owned media , as well as thanks to a previous trajectory. We are talking about means for which it is not necessary to pay directly. Within the earned media we find: articles in the media arising from press releases. Quotes. Non-direct marketing actions that have a positive effect on the brand. Professional relationships that are generated in an event. Shared media in the poem model shared media refers to social networks and their ability to share and disseminate content .
Synergies in the POEM model
This typology has developed especially Marketing List in recent years and includes. The following: conversations in social networks. Interaction between users. This dissemination and sharing of content on social networks can occur in two ways. On the one hand, it can be the company itself that promotes it and, on the other hand, it can arise naturally and organically by the public’s own will. This last point within the poem model warns us that it is not enough to share content on networks, but that we must go further and interact with our audience to generate community. Synergies in the poem model now that you know the different types of media that make up the poem model, it is time for you to know how they can be combined and connected to create new forms of communication.