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There were a few services I knew about

But there were also many services I didn’t know about at all. I’d like. Hummingbird era Last updated: 2024/02/16 blog Structured data markup is an element that is expected There were a to become the. The information that serves as the standard for implementation is published on schema.org, but the design is too simple and gives off the impression that it is difficult to get into unless you are a coder or developer.

Therefore this time, we have a useful

Article from Search Engine Land that explains schema.org and how to install it, especially for Google after Hummingbird went live. SEO Japan new zealand phone numbers Launched on June 2, 2011, schema.org has provided structured. Data markup supported by major search engines. Since the introduction of schema.org, many. Websites have implemented this markup. But schema.org markup is only implemented (or implemented by content management systems) by technologically savvy sites and by professional webmasters.

Admittedly implementing this structured

Phone Number

Markup can be tedious, and webmasters often neglect to take the time to take full advantage of schema’s true benefits. I suspect that more and more websites Thailand Email List will implement markup as we move into a new era centered around semantic search . With Google’s Hummingbird update and increased reliance on the Knowledge Graph, schema.org will become even more important.

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