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In memory is determined separately

In memory earne owne MeiaThere will always have to be a combination of owne. Paid and earne meia for maximum reach. An effective strategy strikes an ideal balance between sharing company stories, authentic content and industry information. You can then spread these messages across the various channels, so that the target group can build as much bond as possible with the company and employees. Employee Advocacy Earne meia accounts,  posts share by employees on their own social meia channels, generate about 561% more reach than posts poste on company pages.

For each page by its administrator

To make the difference in reach clear, a company page of followers has been taken for comparison. In the worst photo editor case scenario, this account reaches connections with a post. Personal profiles, or brand ambassadors, have an average of about connections in the Netherlands. So if brand ambassadors, including some from C-level, post the message themselves, the same reach has already been generate. There is also more interaction on these personal profiles, so that connections of connections will also encounter the message earlier in their timeline. Personal vs corporate content Marketers are often incline to adapt the tone of voice on the company account to the target group.

See it in practice go to another

Business, formal and active. But actually the tone of voice is a reflection of your brand or organization, so it is best to stay close to yourself. Share attractive content about employees, vacancies, snippets, but also client cases for a well-fille company account. A company account on which nothing has been poste for months does Marketing List not work very well for the image of the company. Within a company there is in principle 1 corporate account, while many more personal profiles are available within the company. So if more use is made of these personal accounts, this automatically means more exposure and engagement for free.

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