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Easier for us because there is a tabula

Only in the case of processing data other than those relatd to the administration of justice by the courts,the area of ​​court cases, judgments, etc. “The main activities of the controller or processor consist of processing operations which, by their nature, scope or purposes, require regular and systematic monitoring of data subjects on a large scale” The main activity of ADO is the one that is the purpose of the creation of the organization. An example could be a company dealing with personnel consulting. The main purpose of its activity is to recruit employees for its clients and the relatd profits.

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The main activity in this case will not be the recruitment and employment of employees for own nds, a recruiter or an accountant, but the Latest Mailing Database recruitment of an accountant for the client will be such a goal. As for the monitoring of persons, Recital 24 of the GDPR indicates that these may be all forms of profiling, observing natural persons on the Internet, especially in order to prdict their personal preferences, behaviors and attitudes. However, the Article 29 Working Party points out that monitoring should not be limitd to the online environment.

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Only and online tracking should only be considerd as one example of monitoring the behavior of data subjects. Let us remember Marketing List here, however, that this provision the obligation to appoint a DPO) concerns regular and systematic monitoring. There is no definition of regularity or regularity in the provisions on the protection of personal data, but also in this case the Article 29 Working Party commentd: “regular” as one or more of the following: constant or occurring at specifid intervals for a specifid period, cyclical or recurring at a specific time, ongoing or periodic.

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