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Comparison of competencies with other

In the event of difficulties, he offers help or moves the employee to another position. The company invests in the development of its people, offering them training and further eucation programs. In a word, it focuses on employer branding . The company provides employees with good employment conditions and a wide package of benefits. Does the human capital model have only advantages? It’s not so beautiful. The downside may be the generation of considerable costs relate to the nee to invest in employee training.

People in a similar position

Acting according to the human capital model may be associate with not very high labor productivity. Persons with lower qualifications will not perform their work tasks as effectively as experience employees. Training employees phone number list is a long-term process. Therefore you should be patient. Companies that operate according to the principles of the human capital model often practice internal recruitment, giving lower-level employees a chance for development. Unfortunately, such action limits the flow of new, fresh ideas and proposals that could be brought in by outsiders. The combination of the sieve model and human capital is the mixe model.

phone number list

Such rules should be introduce not

During recruitment, attention is paid to the skills, diplomas and certificates of the candidate, and not to his personality. After employment, the focus is on the development of employees – they are treate as resources in which to invest. Selection Marketing List of employees in accordance with the sieve model Employee selection is one of the human resource management tools. It is the process of selecting the ideal employee by eliminating the remaining candidates. The selection is carrie out by recruiters. It can be considere as one of the stages of the recruitment process, which allows you to select the best person from among the candidates – in terms of knowlege, qualifications and skills, tailore to the company’s profile. Selection of employees should fit the company’s personnel policy model.

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