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Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday 2022: online marketing keys to sell more

Marketers have long used personalization to attract more leads and retain customers. In this context, value-based marketing is a strategy that takes personalization to the next level: brands connect with their audience based on their shared values ​​or the social and ethical issues that matter to them . Value-based marketing is a very powerful strategy both for generating new leads and for building loyalty among existing customers. According to motista, customers who have an emotional relationship with the brand have a lifetime value 306% higher than those who do not. Marketing automation plays a critical role in implementing value-based marketing, through tools like predictive analytics, segmentation, and optimized content creation. Automation solutions allow marketers to tailor how they share brand values ​​and create more relevant and engaging messages.

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the shift to first-party data to understand the customer marketers El Salvador Whatsapp Number List have been using third-party cookies to collect customer data to personalize customer experiences for decades. But things have changed: after the announcement that google will stop allowing third-party cookies in chrome in 2022 , marketers will have to find new ways to collect data. One of these new forms will be first-party data or own data : information provided by the users themselves and that is owned by the company. Using this data is cheaper and helps improve roi . According to a think with google study, brands that use first-party data for their core marketing functions increased their revenue by 2.

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9 times and improved cost savings by 50%. But first-party Marketing List  data brings with it the challenge of collecting personal data about consumers and their preferences while complying with regulations such as the gdpr or the ccpa. And this is where marketing automation can help us implement multiple layers of security and compliance to make sure everything is in order. focus on the marketing automation funnel marketing automation allows you to manage leads throughout the entire conversion path. Over the years, marketers have understood that the conversion funnel model is never as easy as it seems.

There are many reasons why a user enters the funnel, so we need an efficient process to obtain more information about each lead and guide them on the path to conversion. Marketing automation tools help us implement this entire process, for example, through lead scoring and nurturing tools or triggers that detect where each user is in the customer journey.

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