According to the conversion funnel theory, consumers go through three main phases in their customer journey : tofu phase or “top of funnel”: it is the first contact between client and brand. The consumer has identified that they have a need and is beginning to search for information to respond to it. Therefore, we must offer you content that responds to that need in the broadest possible way. Mofu phase or “Middle of the funnel”: in this intermediate stage, the consumer is clearer about what they need and is evaluating different options to satisfy that need. Therefore, it is time to offer you more specialized content in exchange for leaving us your data and becoming a lead.
The Language of Numbers
Bofu phase or “bottom of the funnel”: finally, we reach the Egypt Whatsapp Number List final stage of the funnel, in which the consumer has considered different options and is still interested in our brand. It is time to use resources to stimulate conversion, such as free trials, offers and discounts or specialized services. The conversion funnel offers us an overview, but we must bear in mind that each brand’s customer journey is unique and we can detect several relevant touch points within each phase. Once we have identified those touch points, we can create specific content that addresses the needs of users at each stage.
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Benefits of personalization in a world without cookies, persona lizationv Marketing List is still relevant for brands. The strategies that we have just discussed provide benefits such as: better communication: capturing and analyzing audience data without cookies helps you understand and solve. the problems and concerns of your target audience, communicate with them more seamlessly and thus improve brand reputation and engagement rates.
Greater loyalty : when users find what they are looking for in a brand, they are much more likely to be loyal. And that not only helps us get repeat purchases, but also organic recommendations that make us acquire new customers at no cost. More effective content: content made “Tailored” for a group of users with common interests and needs is much more attractive than generic content.