The proofreading symbol and write “Iki”. Change to uppercase Figure Introduction to proofreading symbols for converting lowercase letters to uppercase letters. To capitalize, draw three solid lines under the letter you want to capitalize. Draw three solid lines below the letter you want to capitalize. To convert to lower case, surround the character you want. To convert to lower case with a circle, extend a leader line from the circle to the margin, draw a circle at the end of the leader line, and write the word “small” inside it. If the character you want to correct is a single character, circle it with “〇” and write the “small” character surrounded by “〇” in the upper margin.
If there are multiple characters draw an arc upwards
Draw a line from the bottom edge of below the left character, and from the top edge of draw a line above the right character, creating a staircase Phone Number List pattern. [Line break and movement 2] Cancel line break Figure Introduction to proofreading symbols for canceling line breaks. Draw a rounded line between the end of the previous paragraph and the beginning of the line you want to cancel. Connect the end of the previous paragraph to the beginning of the line where you want to cancel the paragraph with a rounded line through the margin. [Line break and movement 3] Movement of characters, lines, etc.
At the end of the sentence write the letter
Write at the place where you want the letter to go. Up, Marketing List A buyer persona is a person who symbolically embodies. The customer of your company’s products or services. The characteristics of a potential customer for your company, including the image of a future customer. A buyer persona is not a real person. It’s just a symbolic figure. Figure: Draw a line with an inverted “U” at the beginning of the character you want to move. And extend a vertical line from the end up and down.