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How To Be Devoted In Prayer fervently

Among the main problems in prayer are:

Often neglects and forgets rak’ah
Not being preoccupied and thinking about other things
Haste in prayer
Educating yourself to always be reverent during prayer is a long and continuous process.

There are many ways to increase the level of devotion in prayer.

Here are some effective ways and if practiced routinely, it will feel easier over time.

Prepare yourself before prayer How to prepare yourself before prayer

Among them is to perform ablution neatly Whatsapp Mobile Number List and perfectly, clean the room or prayer area and wear good and beautiful clothes as the Prophet SAW did. God is beautiful and loves beauty.

Plant in the mind that we are preparing to face God, as if this is the last prayer.

Sometimes, many of us fail to understand that prayer is a very important meeting with God.

It will make us more disciplined and increase Phone Number List our level of concentration during prayer

5. Trying to Memorize New Surahs
Always learn to memorize new surahs and their translations with all your heart.

It can be started with surahs that we like, or surahs that touch our hearts. We can also memorize the last 20 pages of the Quran.

If you are able to memorize 30 juz of Al-Quran, thank God that is a very good thing for you.

Strengthen our memory by always reading it in our prayers continuously.

Personally, I feel that a slightly longer surah would be very helpful because it leaves us with no choice not to rush our prayers.

One small thing I want to highlight is the music and songs.

Music disturbs me a lot during prayer.

Sometimes we hear music by accident and then it will play in our mind while praying

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These are some of the methods I can share.

It may not be perfect but it made an impression Marketing List on me and maybe on the readers.

If you have any additional tips, please add them in the comment section below.

May Allah bless us all.

Reciting dhikr when we wake up and before going to sleep

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