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Why does a retreat make us happier

When hearing the word retreat , it seems inevitable to think of the beaches of bali, of buddhas and of meditation exercises, in the purest style of the movie eat, pray, love . And although in the end the objective is similar (finding aspirations and setting objectives, both collective and personal), for us a retreat is something much simpler, which does not require getting on a plane and leaving our tasks for 3 months… It is a joint getaway that all the members of the team carry out to put our ideas in order and in common. It usually lasts 2-3 days, and in these there is time for both work and play.

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An outing of this type especially helps to India Whatsapp Number List strengthen the bonds between team members and also to the emergence of new ideas, simply by being in a relaxed environment that is different from the office. According to our criteria, the main objectives of a retreat should be: discuss and define fundamental issues that affect the company, such as the mission, long-term objectives or business strategy. Establish short-term objectives (maximum for the next 6 months) and draw the roadmap as well as the contribution of each person to these objectives. Have moments of brain storming in which new ideas and methods may arise that imply some improvement.

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Carry out group activities that help team building and Marketing List   improve trust and communication among all employees. To do this, the ideal is to find a place that has the right conditions to achieve these objectives: a relaxed atmosphere and a sense of peace, with a suitable place to work and meet, wi-fi connection (important!!) and close to areas where that group activities can be carried out. It is also important to define the program, since otherwise it is very easy to lose the thread and it becomes an unproductive day. In it, on thursday we spent a morning of intense work in which we analyzed what our route had been in this first quarter of the year and we defined the objectives for the next.

On friday it was time to go up to andorra, to the naturlandia park, where we enjoyed a day of hilarious activities such as air trek, zip line, the tobotronc and a ride on snowmobiles. Some fantastic days that allowed us to return to the office with renewed airs and with a great desire to jointly face all the challenges that arise.

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